Mashu is a British brand of sustainable and vegan accessories specializing in handbags. GROUNDTRUTH’s sustainable and durable bags directly remove plastic waste from our planet’s ecosystem and are perfect for any shopping trip. The Dutch brand combines style and a responsible approach and creates sustainable vintage-inspired, robust and elegant bags made from sustainable materials, including the high-quality eco-leather.
Their straw bags woven from seagrasses are made using traditional Filipino basket weaving techniques. All their products are deliberately designed and made from all-natural organic materials. Their products are of high quality and are made to last, making them slow fashion staples.
Landfills are hermetically designed to limit contamination and leachate seepage into surrounding areas. Therefore, compostable bags do not break down properly without sufficient air and water. Even food debris doesn’t break down well or quickly in a landfill, so bags made of biomaterials won’t break down well either. Certain types of garbage bags can be environmentally friendly compared to your traditional plastic garbage bag alternatives. Plastic, and plastic takes decades and often centuries to decompose.
Some carry-on bags are made from natural resources or require fewer amounts of oil to produce. Choosing these materials are better options than plastic bags when it comes to choosing an environmentally friendly solution. As consumers, we are passionate about whether the people who make our clothing and accessories deserve a fair wage and work in safe and ethical conditions. Below, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite brands that tick those boxes and create beautiful eco-friendly bags, bags, and weekends for everyday use, summer travel, and more. Kayu is a Californian brand that partners with women’s cooperatives in the Philippines to produce their bags.
Some carry-on bags can even be composted because they are made from plant fibers and organic matter. Composting ensures that organic materials can decompose naturally. In return, you are left with a soil improver that replenishes nutrients in the soil. Other companies are passionate Golfing about turning unwanted or broken bags back into useful items. ChicoBag, for example, takes hand luggage with you, no matter what condition they are in. Depending on the quality, they donate bags to domestic violence shelters and other organizations or shelters that may need bags.
Malia Designs is a Fair Trade company that supports the economic empowerment of women in Cambodia. They use artisan suppliers who make beautiful items from recycled materials. The artisans are independent suppliers who own their own business and manage their sustainable livelihood. The products they produce are well made, sustainable and made from recycled materials for minimal environmental impact and waste reduction.