What Do Photography Acronyms Mean?

RAW is not an acronym, but it is important. This is an “unprocessed” method of data capture, unlike standard JPEG files. Used by professional photographers, it allows you to get higher quality images. But taking a picture is only the first step.

Once the shutter button is pressed, your photo will be stored in RAW format and left alone. No automatic processing (saturation, brightness, white balance, etc.) or compression is applied, as it would automatically be if JPEG is saved.

The result is a much larger file that you can process on your own on your computer. So, what is it for? The possible level of detail in the RAW image becomes clearer and more impressive than JPEG.

RAW files allow you to work with 16-bit images, while JPEG images are limited to 8-bit images. This is the difference between 65,536 levels and 256 levels of brightness, from black to white.

This is useful not only for producing higher quality images, but also for identifying the best moments in scenes with closed, darkened or mixed light sources, or in places where there may be a lack of restraint. The captured RAW file contains all the details, and they only need to be revealed when editing the image.

Compare that to the creation of JPEG; The levels are determined by the camera after the photo is taken and then the JPEG is compressed. This makes it difficult, or even impossible, to restore or correct features such as white balance.

Additional metal-oxide semiconductors (CMOS) and charging devices (CCD) are two types of image sensors that convert light into electrons; They then read the electron values and convert them into a digital image. In fact, they turn what you see through the lens into a JPEG or RAW file.

CCD sensors were considered the best and provided high quality images with low noise levels. CMOP sensors consume much less energy, but have always been sensitive to noise.

Recently, however, CMOP has become much more common, as these sensors can now perform image processing tasks, such as analog-digital conversion and noise reduction.

It is not that THES matrix has no advantages, especially when it comes to panning when shooting and capturing fast-moving objects. They use a global shutter that captures the entire image at a time, while CMOS records what it sees, line by line, leading to the possibility of distorting moving objects.

Chances are you’ll see a CMOS sensor in your chosen camera. Why? This is due to improved performance, low energy consumption and size.

The interchangeable image file format contains metadata about your photo that is stored when taken by a digital camera. The format is common for JPEG and TIFF files, but not for RAW files, although there are equivalents.

The data includes the date and time when the photo was taken (the time zone is not specified); Camera settings such as model, diaphragm, exposure and focal length descriptions and copyright information.

This information is useful for evaluating your photo. If you’re watching a recording and something you’re not comfortable with, check the EXIF data to find out exactly what your camera settings were and adjust them for future recordings.

Other settings include a sketch of the recording itself, as well as some GPS information. The first allows you to view the image on the camera’s LCD screen, and the second allows you to tag the location of your photo. This is possible on some cameras and most smartphones.

The latest versions of photo editing software and many photo gallery programs also recognize EXIF data. Even if you edit your photo and save it under a different name, the data will usually remain untouched.

When it comes to buying a camera, choosing makes the process difficult. But when acronyms and terms are used left, right, and center, finding the right camera becomes even harder.

Armed with the knowledge of the six most common and important acronyms you are likely to hear, you are better prepared to make sure you’re making the right purchase.






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