DIY SEO – Part 2 Tags N’ Things



Part 2 Tips 4 tags

Meta tags are descriptive tags used by web designers to explain to search engines exactly what your website is.

They look like this.

Title Here Is Your Page Title, Including Important Keywords/Headline

content ” Insert here a brief description of your site with lots of keywords” /

“Key Words”
content q “Put your keywords here” /

name “AUTHOR”
“Here’s your name or the name of your company” /

“Here’s your name or the name of your company” /

content = “Global” /

name “RATING”
content = “General” /

name “robots”
content = “index, follow” /

name “re-visit after”
content q “1 week” /

http-Equiv “Content Type”
content = “text / html; charset = iso-8859-1” /

Note: The opening and closing brackets are omitted to make this article compatible for publication.

These tags should be placed in the HEAD and/HEAD of your page.

You don’t have to worry too much about what they all mean. Make sure you include many keyword phrases in the “description” tag and all carefully selected keywords in the “keywords” tag. The rest speaks for itself.

While not all search engines process these tags, it’s important to include them in the search engines that use them.

The title tag is the most important, it’s your showcase if you want it. Target the right keywords or phrase, as I showed you in the first part, you can still see it on this site and be sure to include it in your title tag for maximum effect. If each page has a different description in the title tag at the top of the page, you can increase the number of searches you can compete for.

More tips with tags

Another title tag is a tag you can use after a URL like this

a href q “” title, “here’s the result” target, “blank” title tag (between opening and closing)

If you hover over the resulting link, you’ll see “here’s the result.” If this phrase were on your keyword list, it would also be considered in search engines.

Make sure the page is loaded in the new window using the “target” and blank command to keep the visitor with you.

Use the “alt” tag, which you can use, for example, when adding links to images;

src = “yourfoto.gif”
width = “150”
height = “100”
alt – “another keyword here” (between opening and closing tags)

Adding keywords to these places will give your site more weight. I hope you’ll notice an improvement in your situation.

Basic page design

The first thing you need to know about page design is that search engines read web pages in the top left corner. Why does it matter? Proper posting of your keywords (yes! them again) is vital, you should have at least one between the h1/h1 tags and, if possible, the top of the page. In addition, you should have ads like Google on the right side of the page, and your content should remain on the left.

Evenly distributing keywords throughout the text of your page should help, and you should have a keyword at the end of the page.

You don’t need to have too many images if you can do something about it, most browsers only download 4 images at a time, and this can significantly slow down the page load time and delete pages. People from your site. It is better to have images on the internal pages where your visitors will be happy to wait; After all, they want to see your products.

Avoid bright colors, bright banners and lots of text that you don’t need, you don’t want to scare your potential customers or direct them to someone else’s website through advertising before showing them your website.

Most importantly, you should ask a friend to explore your page that will be honest with you, or find a forum that will make for you a constructive review of the site. You can find a similar forum here.

Another person’s eyes will not be infected with the same “this is my child” eyes that you have as a designer.

That’s it for now, next time we’ll talk about advertising.


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